Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White Balance

this photo was taken using the 'cloudy' white balance setting and made black&white

this photo was taken using the 'florescent' white balance setting and edited with a vignette

technique description.
For this project, we worked on changing the white balance settings on the camera.
White balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts. It lets white objects appear white by using an orange or blue filter.
Sometimes, a photo can develop a color cast from the color temperature, and can appear tinted. I used the different white balance settings (tungsten, daylight, florescent, shade, cloudy, flash) to create more realistic looking photos. To edit the photos, we focused on the color balance adjustment and worked with black&white. We also learned to use the clone stamp tool and how to make a vignette using the marquee and layer mask tools.

My photos for this project came out well. I think I did a good job taking and editing the photos to make sure there wasn't a strange color cast. I also feel I did well adding a vignette and choosing which photos to make in black&white. Something I could improve on, however, is choosing the right white balance settings. Some of my photos turned out better when I did 'auto' white balance and actually gained a color cast with the filter I chose.

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